Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Friday5 - week one

What’s something in your possession that has long outlived its usefulness?
my bed, unfortunately. But my mattress is comfy as Hell (is that comfy?), so it's a happy ending for everyone.

Who in your life has proven to be a very useful person to know?

Knowing my friend Afrah has been pretty useful. She is my constant well of friends quotes, and always keeps me smiling.

Chandler: 'Oh, she's got you running errands, you know, picking up wedding dresses... Wuh-pah!
Ross: What's wuh-pah?
Chandler: You know, whipped. Wuh-pah!
Joey: That's not whipped. Whipped is kuh-chh!
Chandler: That's what I did. Wuh-pah!
Joey: You can't do anything!

For group projects requiring collaborative planning and then collaborative execution, in what capacity are you most useful?

err i dunno, i suppose i kinda lead. I make sure everyone has a say in what we're doing.

What’s something someone gave you that you didn’t think much of but later became surprisingly useful?

one of those label maker things. I thought, "what kind of a cheap-ass aunty would but her niece a christmas present from Staples??", Within a week, i swear, even the radiator was labeled. Go figure.

What is the most useful book in your house?

Any that i read on a regular basis, so the classics or the twilight saga (which i am highly embarassed to admit that i love. I hate conforming.)

courtesy of: the Friday5


Super Mario Game